So, what is the best way to prepare for the CFA exam? With so many CFA test study options available today, you surely have a wide choice of options from which to choose. If you're unsure which CFA test prep classes are right for you, consider using e-learning as a supplement. Remember that your chances of passing the CFA Level I exam on your first attempt are only about 35%. If you are not a native English speaker or if you are taking the exam outside of the United States or Western Europe, this proportion drops even further.
Indeed, rather than reading hardcopy publications or attending school classes, many CFA candidates prefer to learn online. The following are seven compelling reasons to use e-learning for your CFA exam preparation.
1st Advantage: Cost
Are you aware that going to classes for your CFA study costs more than US$2,000 on average? On the other hand, several on-line CFA test preparation packages are only a fraction of the cost and may give you with the same content. You would also save money and time by not having to travel to classrooms to complete your studies. Furthermore, you may be able to avoid burning a hole in your pocket by obtaining supplementary textbooks.
2nd Advantage: Interactive Programs
Those CFA Exam prep e-learning packages make use of cutting-edge technology as well as a variety of resources to help you study for the real CFA exam. You can find material, tutorials, practice questions, and even online group conversations, for example. All of this will supply you with a wealth of beneficial advice and suggestions that you can use throughout your tests. If you have any queries about a subject, you may just ask them online. They will be immediately answered by experienced tutors as well as other CFA members.
3rd Advantage: You can study on your own time.
You can study at your own speed and on your own time with on-line preparation. Unlike offline sessions, this study technique ensures that you do not miss a single lesson. This implies you'll never miss a class because you'll be on time.
4th Advantage: You won't be distracted by your classmates.
Although having classmates is typically a positive thing, there are some individuals who are bothersome or persistently bother you throughout class, preventing you from focusing on what the tutor is actually teaching. This is especially true if kids are coerced into participating in the CFA program. Throughout the lectures, you will encounter a slew of fellow pupils who will do everything they can to slow you down or divert you. You can study on your own time with e-learning and fully focus on what you need to cover on a given day.
5th Advantage: Quick Reference
Bookmarking online programs is straightforward. This implies that with only one click, you can access your online reference. You can rapidly jump to the various parts. Because all of the program materials are in one convenient spot, you can search up answers almost instantaneously if you have any questions.
6th advantage: a large number of practice questions.
The best way to pass the exam is to take numerous practice exams so that you can get a sense for what it's like to take the real CFA exam. Hundreds, if not thousands, of simulated CFA test questions are available from most online CFA exam prep services. Passing the CFA test will be a breeze if you go over the practice questions multiple times.
7th Advantage: Portability
If you have previously registered for the CFA exam, you are aware of the weight of the official CFA study resources. You don't want to put any additional weight on top of that! You won't have to lug around any additional heavy textbooks, files, or notes if you use the online CFA exam study package.
However, some students find that combining it with offline coaching and classroom instruction is beneficial. Indeed, you should always explore online CFA Exam preparation in order to pass the CFA Exam quickly.
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